Quality since 1999

The quality policy of the companies, Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH Glas- und Gebäudereinigung and Gebäudetechnische und Hausdienste GmbH is measured by the following parameters:

  • Long-term assured quality work in all phases of the company process is the key to satisfied customers.
  • The satisfaction of the customers is the objective of all our endeavours. Satisfied customers form the basis for the continued existence of our company and secure jobs.
  • We commit ourselves to meeting customer requirements, aspire to constant improvement and endeavour not to disturb company / operative processes.
  • The customer receives competent advice from us. Professional competence, qualified personnel and a high quality standard make us strong at a supra-regional level next to other competitors.
  • We face up to our responsibilities for the health and safety of our employees and customers, conservation of the environment, purposeful, controlled dosing of cleaning and care agents and the sparing and environmentally-compatible use of natural resources.

About us

Company Foundation

The company, Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH Glas- und Gebäudereinigung was founded on 01 December 1999 and its headquarters has been in Bentwisch since 01 January 2006.

The company, Gebäudetechnische und Hausdienste GmbH was founded on 17 December 2002 and its headquarters has been in Bentwisch since 01 February 2005.

Quality and Environmental Management

Both companies are certified in compliance with ISO 9001 and 14001. Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH Glas- und Gebäudereinigung is a registered craft enterprise and furthermore certified in the building services quality association.


Service priorities are glass and industrial cleaning and technical building management including care of green areas, winter services and pest control.

Contract Partners

Among the over 120 regional and supra-regional contract partners from Mecklenburg Vorpommern are public law enterprises and institutions, small and medium-sized private companies from a wide variety of industries and medical and care facilities.

Technical Equipment

The service contracts are executed by means of state-of-the-art work technologies and equipment, well-qualified and professionally trained personnel with a high measure of skills and expertise and according to the most recent developments in the respective craft.


Steffen Marien
Steffen Marien
Steffen Marien

Master in building cleaning trade

0151 - 16 16 99 02

Power of attorney

Nadine Baumgart
Nadine Baumgart
Nadine Baumgart
Authorized signatory in power of attorney

Certified business administrator
Quality management representative

0381 - 80699233, 0151 – 16169910

Contact Backoffice

Peter Hartwig
Peter Hartwig
Peter Hartwig
Order Management
0381 - 80699245
Martina Heinrich
Martina Heinrich
Martina Heinrich
Accounting, Bookkeeping

Degree in industrial engineering

0381 - 80699244
Nicki Reincke
Nicki Reincke
Nicki Reincke
Office Manager

Office management assistant

0381 - 80699235
Lucas Dickert
Lucas Dickert
Lucas Dickert
Fleet management, Claims management, Security officer

Office management clerk

0381 - 80699255
Nicole Fischer
Nicole Fischer
Nicole Fischer
Assistance to the Management, Human Resources Clerk

Clerk in retail

0381 - 80699230
Stefan Loschinski
Stefan Loschinski
Stefan Loschinski
Sales, quality and environmental management

Certified transport specialist
ADA (IHK) according to AEVO

0381 - 80699259,
0151 - 16169906

Contact Team leader

Doreen Awolin
Doreen Awolin
Doreen Awolin
Certified property manager

trained glass and building cleaner

0151 - 16 16 99 22
Jutta Baumgart
Jutta Baumgart
Jutta Baumgart
Certified property manager
0151 - 16 16 99 04
Uwe Matheja
Uwe Matheja
Uwe Matheja
Certified property manager

Master in building cleaning trade

0151 -16 16 99 03
Marcel Semrau
Marcel Semrau
Marcel Semrau
Certified property manager

trained glass and building cleaner
Pest Control

0151 - 57 46 05 57
Michaela Amlow
Michaela Amlow
Michaela Amlow
Certified property manager
0151 - 16 16 99 05

About us

Service priorities are glass and industrial cleaning and technical building management including care of green areas, winter services and pest control.

We are certified in compliance with ISO 9001 and 14001. Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH Glas- und Gebäudereinigung is a registered craft enterprise and furthermore certified in the building services quality association.


Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH
Glas- und Gebäudereinigung

Hansestraße 21
18182 Bentwisch

0381 - 80699230

0381 - 80699250

Copyright 2025 Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH
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