Care of green areas

Care by landscape gardeners

  • Care of green areas and lawn-mowing
  • Weed control for flower beds, and in park and storage areas
  • Pruning
  • Green-roof maintenance

Project planning and execution by landscape gardeners

  • Procurement of plants and seeds
  • Execution of landscape-gardening work including building roads and paths within the facilities
  • Fence construction

About us

Service priorities are glass and industrial cleaning and technical building management including care of green areas, winter services and pest control.

We are certified in compliance with ISO 9001 and 14001. Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH Glas- und Gebäudereinigung is a registered craft enterprise and furthermore certified in the building services quality association.


Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH
Glas- und Gebäudereinigung

Hansestraße 21
18182 Bentwisch

0381 - 80699230

0381 - 80699250

Copyright 2025 Dienstleistung Rostock GmbH
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